Comprendre la Palestine
Illustrated book, 230 pages.
Janvier 2025
avec Xavier Guignard
Éditions Les Arènes
A detailed investigation, maps, drawings and infographics to explain the failure of peace in Palestine.
For over a hundred years, the Palestinian question has resembled an equation without a solution. Why? What are the reasons for this endless war? Is the two-state solution still viable? Is cohabitation between Israelis and Palestinians possible?
Based on ten years of investigation and the most recent historical and geopolitical research, this book is innovative in its form: the writing, precise and accessible, is combined with the visual representation of information, ranging from illustration to infographics.
La civilisation du déchet
Illustrated book, 152 pages.
mai 2024
with Jérémie Cavé and Yann Philippe Tastevin
Éditions Les Arènes
Put an end to preconceived ideas about waste and better understand the issues of today and tomorrow.
Every year, all of humanity produces more than 2 billion tons of waste, or 70 tons every second. Plastic alone weighs more than all the marine and terrestrial animals present on Earth... And yet, we have never had so little contact with our waste.
Two researchers, Jérémie Cavé and Yann Philippe Tastevin, and an illustrator, Alizée De Pin, investigated our waste to explain to us, in text and images, where it ends up and especially where it comes from.
By relying on illustrations and infographics that are clear and accessible to all, the authors give us a global vision of the problem. They dismantle our preconceived ideas, reconstruct the history of waste treatment since Antiquity and track six common consumer products: a tomato in winter, a T-shirt, a can of soda, a plastic bottle, a car and a smartphone.
A fascinating book on a subject that we would like to get rid of!

Israël/Palestine, Anatomie d’un conflit
Illustrated book, 136 pages.
April 2024
Thomas Snégaroff et Vincent Lemire, Delphine Papin
Éditions Les Arènes
Two peoples for the same land or the story of impossible cohabitation?
75 years after the first war between Israel and its Arab neighbors, the region is burning again. Thomas Snégaroff and Vincent Lemire go back to the origins of the conflict.
In 50 questions and answers, they give us the keys to understanding. A clear and accessible text, with maps, infographics produced by Alizée De Pin and Delphine Papin, chronologies, biographies and reference documents.
Le 1 Hebdo
Dette, c’est grave docteur ?Mai 2024
Front page and central poster of Le 1 Hebdo N°498 about the French public debt.

Le 1 Hebdo
Le Pen, jusqu’où ira-t-elle ?November 2023
Front page and central poster of Le 1 Hebdo N°472 about the Rassemblement National : Le Pen, where will she go?

Jardinisme Manifeste
September 2023
September 2023
Antoine Chaumeil — jardinist — wrote a manifesto about his gardening practice. We laid it out graphically from his portfolio garden’s structures.

Formula Balade
September 2023
September 2023
Antoine Chaumeil — nature educator — and I, teamed up to resume a garden’s map on a poster. The poster becomes a card game, that you fill yourself with your own drawing during the guided visit.

L’Odyssée de L’Île-Saint-Denis
August 2023
August 2023
Poster hand-drawn and riso-printed for a series of children workshop

September 2021
published by Palm Press
September 2021
published by Palm Press
NEPAL is a collection of observation drawings of Kathmandu, Bhaktapur and Langtang Valley, Nepal.
Those graphic samples are fragments of memories from my trip. Randomly spread on the pages, those drawings are not sequenced of titled. I question myself about a neutral way to report a foreign iconography without an exotic distortion.
Those graphic samples are fragments of memories from my trip. Randomly spread on the pages, those drawings are not sequenced of titled. I question myself about a neutral way to report a foreign iconography without an exotic distortion.

February 2022
published by self
This winter I published my first photo zine. It documents my grand-mother’s house the way she left it behind, with its tones, textures and personal belongings. Most of my childhood daytime unfolded between those walls. To have access to such a place until 35, and having the chance to stand alongside the person who lovingly raised you to behave, is like to have access to your former child. It was never hard to ring the bell and be on the step of your childhood, the childhood was always active. To my grandma and her family. <3

Comics, 136 pages.September 2021
With Jean-François Julliard, les Éditions du Faubourg
“One day in March. The Vouglans dam in the Jura is threatened by torrential rains. What if, as many experts have feared for a long time, this dam on the Ain gave way and the river flowed into the Bugey power station? Laurine, environmental engineer at EDF, is at the forefront of the looming disaster. We follow her, in a terrifying progression, towards the inevitable major accident.”

100 Years of Partitioning Palestine,
April 2020
with Xavier Guignard
When Donald Trump was elected US President in late 2016, he swiftly announced that he aimed to solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. His approach to diplomacy, shaped by his experience as a businessman, led him to call for a “deal”. This was unveiled on January 28, 2020.

100 Years of Partitioning Palestine,
April 2020with Xavier Guignard
When Donald Trump was elected US President in late 2016, he swiftly announced that he aimed to solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. His approach to diplomacy, shaped by his experience as a businessman, led him to call for a “deal”. This was unveiled on January 28, 2020.

Palestine Riot in Paris
News stripMay 15th 2021
Saturday May 15th, Paris was the only French city, and the only democratic capital in the world ordered NOT to protest for Palestinian people and Palestinian rights. Among the latest urgent causes concerned are Israeli’s recent attacks in Gaza and Sheikh Jarrah. In Paris today, walls of Policemen fully equipped in riot gear outnumbered the protesters and methodically overwhelmed and divided them. Armed police splitting up a procession of marchers showed a vivid picture
of how to prevent people from coming together around a common cause. The repression of the protest wasn’t intended just to break up the crowd but to forbid the very idea of protesting in the first place, a firm intent to break down an ideal. Marching in protest is way to show support for those being oppressed but it is also a way to share our sorrow and even a pragmatic way to gather, connect and foster initiatives and solutions. We need all of the above for Palestine right now. Truly fed up with the current French government.

C02 bath
News strip
July 2021
Air pollution causes premature death.
Each year, in France, 50 000 people die from air pollution.
Pollution peaks and heat waves are a concomitant climax. We are drowning in CO2 and O3. Forsake your cars and fossil fuel engines.
News strip
July 2021
Air pollution causes premature death.
Each year, in France, 50 000 people die from air pollution.
Pollution peaks and heat waves are a concomitant climax. We are drowning in CO2 and O3. Forsake your cars and fossil fuel engines.

The Glorious Days
Comics, 33 pagesPublished in La Revue Dessinée N°29
Septembre 2020
with Isabelle Dautresme
“ The health care system isn’t anything else but the right to live.” 70 years later, its partisans still claim and reclaim it. Through the COVID epidemic, while the government seemed to discover the role of a system of solidarity, this leg is more vivid than ever...and fragile. The “glorious days” refers to the program of the National Council of the Resistance, which originated the French Social Health Care. In the French president’s mouth during lockdown, the reference to the glorious days didn’t let the strikers of “health and retirement rights for all” even. Flash back on these events.

Aldo Leopold’s “Land Ethic”
A3 posterSeptember 2020
“Solitude, the one natural resource still undowered of alphabets, is so far recognized as valuable only by ornithologists and cranes.”
In 1949, Aldo Leopold publishes “the land ethic” among other texts in a book entitled “A sandy county almanac”. His conception of the relationships of the human community in regard and depend of the environnement are laid out with great simplicity and credibility. Could this be part of our constitutions and legal text concerning our human rights and environmental politics?

Nature writer Edward Abbey’s portrait
PosterSeptember 2020
"The earth remains, and the heartbreaking beauty where there are no hearts to break."
Desert Solitaire by Edward Abbey was published in 1968 at McGraw-Hill press. The non-fiction opposes in several ways the striking beauty of the wilderness and the humankind. Probably still relevant to solitary people.

Scientific writer Rachel Carson’s portrait
PosterSeptember 2020
"Chemical control of insects seems to have proceeded on the assumption that the soil could and would sustain any amount of insult via the introduction of poisons without striking back. The very nature of the soil has been largely ignored."
Rachel Carson published Silent Spring in 1962 at Houghton Mifflin press. Her writings document scientifically the effects and spread of pesticides into our water, soil and air – into our environment. Eventually, the extermination of undesired insects corroborates with our own destruction.

May 2020

La Marée, The fish market of Rungis
Published in Topo Revue N°15January 2019
with Isabelle Dautresme.
“Why do fresh products travel so much before arriving on our plate?
The French like fish raw, cooked or canned. But before arriving at the fishmonger's stall, sardines shrimps, bars or cod follow a well-marked course where every minute counts. A real race against the clock that includes for many a step by Rungis, the largest fresh produce market in the world. “
Laser, risography, lasercutJanuary 2018
Placide is a tribute to all events permenently remoted from life. It shows the movements of the ball face to the wave, of the flags in the wind. Placide, it is the peaceful victory of the memories through the time.

LaserOctober 2018
DEMI is a collective book presenting itself as a poetic formal play on the graphism of youth didactic litterature. DEMI is more an invitation to dream by opening these codes on imaginary worlds than the iconographic index of an exhaustive universe.
The book is realised by Simon Lahure & Alizée De Pin.

March 2017, published by Gloria Glitzer.
Contribution to the collective artists zine Brace-Brace.
March 2017, published by Gloria Glitzer.
In collaboration with Franziska Brandt & Moritz Grünke.
Contribution to the collective artists zine Brace-Brace.
Brace-Brace is the emergency position to adopt during plane accidents.
From the thematic of emergency, three artists mixed their iconography in an ensemble of plans and fragments.

March 2017, published by Gloria Glitzer.
Contribution to the collective artists zine Brace-Brace.
March 2017, published by Gloria Glitzer.
In collaboration with Franziska Brandt & Moritz Grünke.
Contribution to the collective artists zine Brace-Brace.
Brace-Brace is the emergency position to adopt during plane accidents.
From the thematic of emergency, three artists mixed their iconography in an ensemble of plans and fragments.

The Global Plan
Published in Human with Hope for the Future 3, by Narves1 Biblioteket.
June 2017
The Global Plan is my contribution to the revue Human with Hop for the Future 3, published by the norwegian collective Narves1 Biblioteket. Launched during the Oslo comics festival in June 2017, this edition was presented as an ensemble of electoral programms on separate papers. Every reader entered a polling booth to choose the programs he/she was interested into. At the exit, the leaflets were glue-binded together as the final edition. Price depended on the final weight.
Published in Human with Hope for the Future 3, by Narves1 Biblioteket.
June 2017
The Global Plan is my contribution to the revue Human with Hop for the Future 3, published by the norwegian collective Narves1 Biblioteket. Launched during the Oslo comics festival in June 2017, this edition was presented as an ensemble of electoral programms on separate papers. Every reader entered a polling booth to choose the programs he/she was interested into. At the exit, the leaflets were glue-binded together as the final edition. Price depended on the final weight.

CollectionJune 2016
Relevés is a collection of travelling drawings colored with alcohol pens. All of the four booklets present a different territory with their own patterns and colors. The layout, briefly formalsed as a sporadic chain of frames, remains abstract to allow to the blank of the page to complete it.