Alizée De Pin is a French illustrator and author, based in Paris. Graduaded from a Master Degree in Visual Arts and a Master Degree in Graphic Design, Alizée draws illustrations, comics, and design her books and publications.
Recent work
Out January 2025 : Comprendre la Palestine, éditions les Arènes, with Xavier Guignard.
Featuring in February 2025 : exhibition SUBMERSION, festival EXPERIMENTA, Grenoble.
Scientific approach
Through collaborations with scientists, researchers and upon detailed documentation, she translates environmental and political messages into graphic informations and narratives.
She likes to build long span projects with privileged interlocutors such as scientists and institutions through commited, collaborative and experimental editions.
Alizée is preparing a new publication with Quintal Editions. A mirror book of Evan Renaudie’s and a collective exhibition of landscape paintings and drawings called RIVERAINS.
Reach out
alizeedepin [a] protonmail.com