Comprendre la Palestine

Illustrated book, 230 pages.

Janvier 2025
avec Xavier Guignard

Éditions Les Arènes

A detailed investigation, maps, drawings and infographics to explain the failure of peace in Palestine.

For over a hundred years, the Palestinian question has resembled an equation without a solution. Why? What are the reasons for this endless war? Is the two-state solution still viable? Is cohabitation between Israelis and Palestinians possible?

Based on ten years of investigation and the most recent historical and geopolitical research, this book is innovative in its form: the writing, precise and accessible, is combined with the visual representation of information, ranging from illustration to infographics.

Alizée De Pin

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Books and illustrations

Alizée De Pin is a French illustrator and author, based in Paris. Graduaded from a Master Degree in Visual Arts and a Master Degree in Graphic Design, Alizée draws illustrations, comics, and design her books and publications. 

Through collaborations with scientifics, researchers and upon detailed documentation, she translates environmental and political messages into graphic informations and narratives.